Flo Consulting B.V.

Vissersdijk Beneden 70,
Dordrecht, 3319 GW Netherlands

Oracle Cloud Application

Cloud applications that interoperate with the Oracle Cloud.

  • evolv Applications Providing data and configuration management solutions for Oracle Transportation Management customers


  • evolv Applications

    Flo Group are a leading Oracle partner. Through their experience implementing and supporting Oracle Transportation Management solutions, Flo have developed a set of modular applications - called evolv - to augment OTM for an improved return on investment.

    Two core modules are available:

    • evolv Data Loader - streamline master data management - evolv Data Loader enables your business users to create, maintain and load OTM rates and all other master data without relying on skilled IT resources. You will benefit from pre-defined data templates, mapped to OTM data objects, that work to ensure consistent data. These templates can be populated offline with multiple parties involved in editing and maintenance. Users can then run or schedule data uploads to OTM from evolv, which streamlines the process by restructuring the data, carrying out validation checks, sequencing loading and providing human-readable error logs.
    • evolv Configuration Manager - simplify configuration management - evolv Configuration Manager offers advanced features to simplify release management (export and import) and enables a central repository for you to track and manage configuration and data changes across environments, domains, teams and business units. You will benefit from faster and more controlled releases with reduced time needed to promote changes as well as full audit trails for traceability.

    evolv Applications are fully compatible with OTM Cloud and on-premise solutions. More information available on our website here.

Information in this section is provided by the partner and does not constitute endorsement by Oracle.