Inspirage Israel PVT Ltd

11 Kiryat Mada St, Amot Building, Har Hotzvim P.O Box 45032
Jerusalem, 91450 Israel

Solution Name

OTM Cloud Integration with SPS Commerce

Solution Summary

Virtually all OTM customers require electronic carrier connectivity with OTM. In the past, shippers have either built the connectivity in-house with their own tools or partnered with a 3rd party for carrier connectivity. In both cases, much of the connectivity to OTM was built as part of the project, resulting in lengthy projects when a large number of carriers and EDI messages were involved.

OTM customers can now leverage existing carrier connectivity integration for carrier connectivity to reduce OTM implementation time and costs.

Solution Profile

To expedite carrier connectivity and carrier on-boarding, Inspirage and SPS Commerce have jointly developed a set of pre-built interfaces between OTM and SPS Commerce’s carrier connectivity solution.


The following EDI transactions have been mapped and developed between OTM and SPS Commerce’s carrier connectivity solution:

  • Tender Offer/Pickup Notifi cation (EDI 204)
  • Tender Response (EDI 990)
  • Shipment Status (EDI 214)


With Inspirage’s world-class OTM consultants, we can build on the pre-built interfaces to ensure the solution meets each client’s specifi c connectivity requirements.

Inspirage is now a reseller of SPS Commerce Carrier Connectivity solutions, so customers need only engage one vendor for their implementation and connectivity needs.

Need more information? Please see our full offerings at or email us at

Distinguishing Features

OTM customers can now leverage existing carrier connectivity integration for carrier connectivity to reduce OTM implementation time and costs.


  • Pre-built interfaces between OTM and SPS Commerce’s carrier connectivity solution
  • Reduced implementation and carrier on-boarding costs
  • Quicker time-to-value
  • Single contract

Solution Name

OTM Cloud Integration with SPS Commerce

Solution Availability


Oracle Products

  • Oracle Value Chain Execution

Company Size Solution is Targeting

No data available.

Open Source Solutions


About Inspirage Israel PVT Ltd

Integrated Supply Chain SpecialistsTM

Inspirage is the integrated supply chain specialist firm solving business critical challenges from design to delivery. The company delivers end-to-end consulting and implementation solutions that link Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Lifecycle Management, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management. Inspirage partners with their customers to break down information silos and optimize performance to accelerate innovation, fuel growth and achieve operational excellence.

Inspirage is a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) and has been recognized by Oracle with numerous awards, including the Oracle Excellence Award for Specialized Partner of the Year - North America for three years in a row (2016, 2015, and 2014). Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, the company has global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Industry-Focused Solutions

Our knowledge isn’t just general knowledge about supply chain. It’s industry-specific. Based on years of experience, we’ve developed learnings and practices that can help companies in specific industries improve the agility and performance of their integrated supply chain.

Inspirage has over 100 pre-built solutions leveraging Oracle applications to help our clients jump-start their projects, reduce risks, and improve time to value for the core industries we serve.

- High Tech
- Consumer Good & Retail
- Industrial Manufacturing
- Oil & Gas
- Life Science

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