Inspirage Sdn. Bhd.

Level 22, Axiata Tower,No. 9, Jalan Stesen Sentral, 5 Kuala Lumpur Sentral
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 50470 Malaysia

Solution Name

OTM Rate Portal

Solution Summary

Inspirage has developed a OTM Rate Portal that allows users to load large volumes of data using csv files and without logging into OTM. This also saves the users from understanding the complex OTM rate structure and get started with the rate configuration process with a minimal learning curve. Application does not require any additional infrastructure. Hosting can be done using OTM web logic server and database

Solution Profile

Considering the difficulty of using the OTM rate management module, Inspirage has developed a custom portal to ease the process of rate management. This capability allows users to create rates using a simplified csv template and then upload rates directly using portal screens without logging in to OTM. This also saves the users from understanding the complex OTM rate structure and get started with the rate configuration process with a minimal learning curve

Distinguishing Features

  • Ease of Rate data creation: No need to consider OTM rate tables structures. Simply put data in pre-defined simplified csv format.
  • Easy uploads: No need to login to OTM and upload csv files manually one by one.
  • 100% configurable: New columns can be added in the template. Just one-time configuration required for new rules and mappings.
  • Application does not require any additional infrastructure. Hosting can be done using OTM web logic server and database.
  • Rate portal can also be made available for cloud offerings.
  • Application provides capability to upload all possible csv uploads supported by OTM ClientUtil program.
  • Transformation module is configuration based program which converts csv templates. New json configurations can be written to support any kind of transformation/reverse transformation.
  • Flexibility to use MySQL or any other open source database.


Solution Name

OTM Rate Portal

Solution Availability


Oracle Products

  • Oracle Value Chain Execution Cloud

Company Size Solution is Targeting

No data available.

Open Source Solutions


About Inspirage Sdn. Bhd.